Fixed priced one way flights
Fixed priced one way flights
JetServiceNL offers fixed priced flights on popular routings during this summer period. Prices are based on an aircraft category and a maximum number of passengers, departing from Amsterdam or Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Departures are from Amsterdam or Rotterdam with departure after May 1st 2024:
RTM/AMS ›› Ibiza - Max 4 passengers on Light Jet - EUR 11.500 All in - inquire now ››
RTM/AMS ›› Malaga - Max 4 passengers on Super Light Jet - EUR 13.500 All in - inquire now ››
RTM/AMS ›› Cannes - Max 2 passengers on Light Jet - EUR 7.950 All in - inquire now ››
RTM/AMS ›› Olbia - Max 2 passengers on Light Jet - EUR 9.950 All in - inquire now ››
RTM/AMS ›› Palma de Mallorca - Max 4 passengers on Light Jet - EUR 11.500 All in - inquire now ››
New: Book a seat
Next to our regular On Demand Charters, you can now book single seats on our scheduled flights.
Geneva ›› Le Bourget - per seat on a Turbo prop / Very Light Jet - EUR 990 All in
London ›› Le Bourget - per seat on a Turbo prop / Very Light Jet - EUR 1.250 All in
London ›› Chambery - per seat on a Super Light Jet - EUR 1.950 All in
London ›› Dubai - per seat on a Super Midsize or Heavy Jet - EUR 8.900 All in
London ›› New York Teterboro - per seat on a Super Midsize or Heavy Jet - EUR 9.500 All in
Please send us an e-mail ( for further details and bookings.